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Conscious Relationship - The 6 Commitments: Taking 100% Responsibility for Your Life

· Relationships,Conscious,6 Commitments

If you did not blame anyone for your life what would that feel like? Exhilaration or fear?

If you realized you had the power to live the life you long for; what would that feel like?

“I am committed to acting out of the awareness that I am 100 percent the source of my reality.”

Katie and Gay Hendricks

'Conscious Loving'

This is a call to leave the victim mentality behind and face all that comes with strength and purpose.

It has taken years to see the truth of this realized, imperfectly, in my life. I wanted the relationship described by Gay and Kathleen Hendricks in Conscious Loving; I saw the multitude of truths they had woven into this book, yet I struggled with this idea. Simply put -  I had to be painfully authentic, stand and make my own choice was terrifying. I had for most of my life let circumstances choose for me. It was, at that time, easier in my mind to have something, someone, to blame and then complain about than to own that I was choosing the known and familiar path of blame.

There is a quote by Marianne Williamson that touches on this:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are weak. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world ... As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson 1989 "A Return To Love."

I so wanted conscious relationship that I chose to face my fears. I was looking for someone who had read the same book 'Conscious Loving' and had also chosen the conscious relationship path. I found this in my beloved Linda. She, as it turned out had gone to workshops put on by Satyen Raja, Anjali Hill, and Stephen Garret who co-founded WarriorSage. Thank you all. Stephen Garrett is still a mentor of mine.

I saw men walking out this strength and was mentored in standing in my strength and taking responsibility for my choices.

Our choices lead us to where we are. We see the truth of this as we go for a physical stroll and turn left or right. We do not say the wind blew me here or that family and friends or even strangers turned us left or right. This is self evident in walks and relationships and yet we do not want to acknowledge this truth and give up the warm comfort of blame when it comes to the seemingly murky ebb and flow of relationships.

I am here to tell you that when you know your truth that you are already amazing and bright this light will bring clarity. When you are authentic you will see the truth of your power to choose. You will become free to make the choices towards the life you long for.

If you have read this you, in all probability, already have made the choice.

Welcome to the life of authentic relationships; it is well worth the journey.

If you need someone to help you take responsibility for your reality (and only your reality) and support to see your innate strength and amazingness come visit us at

All six commitments from Conscious Loving that I am writing about in these posts are below.

Thank you Katie and Gay Hendricks.

I am grateful for your work and inspiration.

Please check out their website

- I am committed to being close, and I am committed to clearing up anything in the way of my ability to do so.

- I am committed to my own complete development as an individual.

- In my relationships, I am committed to revealing myself, not to concealing myself.

- I am committed to the full empowerment of people around me.

- I am committed to acting out of the awareness that I am 100 percent the source of my reality.

- I am committed to having a good time in my close relationships.

Hendricks, Gay and Kathlyn. Conscious Loving. Toronto: Bantam, February 1992. Paperback, page 226